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Recipes Craig Jeffcott Recipes Craig Jeffcott


Sweet Spanish style vermouth serves as a rich and aromatic base for cocktails, particularly the Negroni. Its blend of botanicals and slightly sweet undertones enhances the balance of the drink, adding depth to the bitterness of Campari and the earthy notes of gin. Crafting your own sweet vermouth not only allows you to tailor the flavors to your preference but also elevates the classic Negroni experience, transforming it into a personalized cocktail that showcases your taste and creativity.

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Recipes Craig Jeffcott Recipes Craig Jeffcott


Sweet Spanish style vermouth serves as a rich and aromatic base for cocktails, particularly the Negroni. Its blend of botanicals and slightly sweet undertones enhances the balance of the drink, adding depth to the bitterness of Campari and the earthy notes of gin. Crafting your own sweet vermouth not only allows you to tailor the flavors to your preference but also elevates the classic Negroni experience, transforming it into a personalized cocktail that showcases your taste and creativity.

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