MOnthly listingS

Sunflower Seeds

Theatre / Teatro
02/03 - 15/03
19:00 - 23:00

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Rhubarb and Cardamon

Workshop / Workshop
07/03 - 09/03
19:00 - 23:00

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Make your own energy bars

Dance / Danca
08/03 - 08/03
19:00 - 23:00

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Art Expo

Exhibition / Espozicao
10/03 - 10/03
09:00 - 12:00

An art exhibition showcasing local talent.

Uma exposição de arte mostrando talentos locais.

Music Fest

Vernissage / Festa
10/03 - 12/03
10:00 - 18:00

A fun music festival.

Um festival de música divertido.

Food Carnival

Festival / Carivale
Los Puchuchos
11/03 - 15/03
19:00 - 23:00

A carnival featuring local cuisines.

Um carnaval com culinárias locais.

You can never have enough hats gloves and shoes

Film / Film
Os Penichieros
12/03 - 12/03
19:00 - 23:00

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes

Gluten Free Whole-Grain Oat Flakes