Outras Grafias : Vernissage

Outras Grafias : Vernissage

“Outras Grafias” is a dialog between the graffiti project Colombus3 and the photography narratives of Rita Neves.

The photographer Rita Neves walks through the Baio do Tejo Industrial Park during the “night shift” and documents the slowly fading industry.

In the murals of Colombus3, another territory is found in a game of perspective and perception, playing with a space of forms and the forms within the space; the same industrial park becomes a playground of new experimentation.

Several murals adorn the facades of what remains of the factories, invoking a recognizable language in a post-industrial setting that could be on the edge of a non-place in any non-geography.

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MaRGINALIA Christmas Market // Feira do Natal

MaRGINALIA Christmas Market // Feira do Natal

Celebrate Christmas at Unreal Cities at the Marginalia Christmas Market, with art, design and craft gifts, Christmas baking, mulled wine and roasted chestnuts. Please get in touch if you’d like to host a stall. // Comemore o Natal em Unreal Cities no Mercado de Natal de Marginalia, com presentes de arte, design e artesanato, bolos de Natal, vinho quente e castanhas assadas. Por favor, entre em contato se desejar hospedar uma barraca.

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